Thursday, June 11, 2009

inhuman capabilities

There is a place in dreams where we can expel any inhibition and are able to react to situations, albeit unnatural or surreal, and be someone who we could never be. This might not be entirely true, perhaps the person we see ourselves as in dreams could be a monster retained by our better awakened reason. I had the same type of dream two nights in a row it was regarding a fantasy world of mobsters at war in a land ruled by greed and treason. I was in the midst of them, one of them, rather one of the chiefest of sinners in the lot. I found myself throttling men who may not have been innocent men, but in reality how could I ever know my capabilities of killing or harming someone if it is not in my waking nature to do so. People look at killers and judge and rightly so, but how far down does anger and violence dwell. We hope there is no such monster in us. We hope that only fear and the need to defend would arouse such thoughts and feelings of inhuman capabilities. We are all innocent except in the realm of the night where dreams unfurl lavishness and animalistic brutality. We are awake now, aren’t we?

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